Analysis & Data Handling

Compost Analysis & Data Handling

CompostManager’s easy-to-use data analysis software creates an accurate overview of what is happening on the site and in each individual windrow. Our compost management system analyses the data collected from the compost probe, to produce a simple set of instructions for the composter to follow.

How does CompostManager work?

Oxygen / Carbon Dioxide

Aerobic composting consumes oxygen and as a result produces carbon dioxide. Creating the correct balance can assist with reducing odours issues previously experienced.


In order to achieve the optimum conditions to create premium compost, it is essential to record and analyse moisture levels in a windrow, which should be maintained around 50%.


Temperature is essential for ensuring a pathogen and weed free end product. Temperature recording also demonstrates compliance with legislation (PAS 100).

Data Analysis & Handling

CompostManager analyses the data collected from the compost probe. It creates simple steps of instructions to follow, directing whether you turn, irrigate or leave to ensure optimal conditions.


Provides Instructions

Analyses the oxygen measurement to help reduce labour costs, informing you when to turn the soil removing the guesswork.

Accurate Analysis

CompostManager was designed using data from 500,000 active compost sites over 7 years.

Records Your Data

Data is recorded and stored in the cloud, creating history compost measurements for compliance purposes.

Find out more about CompostManager and speak to a member of our team today to enquire.