Industrial Emissions Directive

Are you ready? New legislation begins in:


Industrial Emissions Directive

From 19th August 2022, all composters in the UK and Europe will need to be following BAT (Best Available Techniques) when composting, as part of the Industrial Emissions Directive ruling. Directive 2010/75/EU is the main instrument in regulating pollutant emissions to air, water and soil from industrial installations. 

How will this affect you?

In order to reduce emissions to air and improve the environmental performance, BAT (Best Available Techniques) is required to monitor and/or control the key waste and process parameters including:

 – Waste input characteristics (eg. C to N ratio, particle size)
 Temperature and moisture content at different points in the windrow
 Aeration of the windrow (eg. via the windrow turning frequency, oxygen and/or carbon dioxide concentration in the windrow, temperature of air streams.

 Windrow porosity, height and width

How will CompostManager help?

CompostManager will ensure that you are meeting the required legislation for the Emission Directive Legislation including BAT36 and PAS100. This easy to use compost management tool measures and analyses temperature, moisture, oxygen and carbon dioxide levels, creating clear instruction to optimise the composting process. 

Feature and benefits of CompostManager


CompostManager complies with BAT36 for Waste Treatment. 


Compost monitoring data analysis


Analyses the temperature, moisture, oxygen and carbon dioxide levels of each windrow.


Open Windrow

Each individual windrow is analysed, generating clear instructions to optimise the composting process.


Records data for auditing performance and demonstrates compliance with legislation PAS100.


With easy-to-use data analysis software, creates an accurate account for each individual windrow.

Find out more about CompostManager and speak to a member of our team today to enquire.